Polar bear resting in rocky landscape, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
© Warwick Sloss/NPL/Minden Picture
A long winter's nap. Polar bear, Churchill, Manitoba
In the rugged terrain of Churchill, Manitoba, a polar bear finds solace on a bed of stone covered with ice and snow. Every year, as Hudson Bay freezes over, polar bears congregate here, waiting to return to their icy hunting grounds. The largest land carnivores, equipped with an incredible sense of smell and powerful limbs, traverse the rocky landscapes. They primarily feed on various species of seals, walruses and beluga whale. Their thick fur is perfect for insulation, and their large paws are designed like snowshoes, making them capable of surviving in the harshest of climates. A lot of globetrotters are found here during this season, paying a visit to these marine mammals, as 64 to 80 per cent of polar bears worldwide are found in Canada.