Playground at the Obereversand Lighthouse in Dorum-Neufeld, Germany
© INGO WAGNER/DPA/AFP via Getty Image
Avast, landlubbers!. International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Ahoy, mateys, it is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Today, landlubbers and seafarers alike put on their tricorn hats and hoist the Jolly Roger. The origin of this holiday goes back to a 1995 joke between two friends, John Baur and Mark Summers. During a racquetball game, one of them exclaimed 'Aaarrr!' in response to an injury, and the concept of a day dedicated to pirate lingo was born. Initially an inside joke, Talk Like a Pirate Day gained popularity after the duo shared the idea with humourist Dave Barry in 2002, who promoted it in his syndicated column. Since then, it's become a day of fun and parodic celebration—people don pirate costumes, engage in pirate-themed activities, like the kid on the ship in today's image, and embrace mock pirate language. Whether ye be a seasoned buccaneer or a greenhorn, today be for all to enjoy. So, batten down the hatches, set sail and remember: on this day, everyone can be a pirate.
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