Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington, DC
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A day on, not a day off. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as a reminder not only of the man, but also of his mission. He stood for advances in civil rights, nonviolent resistance, and a dream of racial harmony. In 1983, the third Monday of January was made a federal holiday to mark his birthday, which was on January 15. It's the only federal holiday that's designated as a national day of service and the 'day on, not a day off' continues to inspire unity, progress, and the ongoing struggle for equality.
The Stone of Hope statue stands tall at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, next to the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was created by the sculptor Lei Yixin and Dr. King's words are displayed around the memorial, urging us to continue the journey toward a better, more equitable tomorrow. The statue itself was inspired by a line from Dr. King's 1963 'I Have a Dream' speech: 'With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.'