Javan tree frog, Indonesia
© kuritafsheen/Getty Image
Smile! It's World Frog Day. World Frog Day
It's World Frog Day, a day to celebrate these charismatic and photogenic amphibians. This Kermit-like character is a Javan tree frog, whose round, sticky toes help it to manoeuvre around twigs and leaves. Although frogs can live in both warm and cold places, most reside in tropical rainforests like this one.
Wet environments suit frogs, whose skin is semi-permeable and susceptible to dehydration. There are thousands of species, and they come in a wide variety of colours, with croaks that are unique to their species. This Javan tree frog’s bright hues provide camouflage in the colourful jungle canopy where it lives. And if this smile is anything to go by, life seems to be treating him pretty well. He seems happy enough to pose for a close-up, anyway.
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