Elephant (Loxodonta laprofolis) in stealth stance, Marakele National Park, Limpopo, South Africa
© Staffan Widstrand/Minden Picture
Why do elephants hide in trees?
… Because they're so good at it. And none are as skilled at self-concealment as this specimen from the Loxodonta genus of African elephants - namely the species Laprofolis. These mammoth creatures roll in the mud, getting covered in seeds which stick to their grooved hide. When it rains, the seeds sprout into dense, leafy growths which camouflage the huge beast as it wanders the savanna. Don’t believe us? Maybe take a closer look at the species’ name and see if you're still not convinced. Either way, it’s best to be on your guard today, who knows where the next elephant of surprise will come from?
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