Brown pelican, San Diego, California, USA
© Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART/Getty Image
Pouch perfect. Brown pelican, San Diego, California, USA
Today's image features the brown pelican, a bird that doesn't just fly but soars, spots and dives with unmatched precision. Although it's the smallest of the eight pelican species worldwide, it's still a large bird, measuring about 1.2 metres in length and having a wingspan of 2 metres. It's a marine-dwelling species and can be spotted along the Atlantic coast of the Americas, from New Jersey to the mouth of the Amazon River. On the Pacific coast, it can be spotted from British Columbia all the way to Peru, including a stop at the Galapagos Islands.
The brown pelican is a piscivore, meaning its diet mainly consists of fish. Dixon Lanier Merritt's limerick famously begins, 'A wonderful bird is the pelican; his bill can hold more than his belly can,' and it's spot on—its pouch can store up to three times the volume of its stomach. This versatile feature acts as a scoop, a tool for cooling off during hot weather and a feeding trough for young pelicans. In addition to the brown pelican, one can easily spot the American white pelican flying in Canadian skies. It is one of the largest birds in North America and is found from the interior of British Columbia, east to northwestern Ontario.
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