Plum-headed parakeet at Shimoga, Karnataka, India
© Hira Punjabi/Alamy Stock Phot
Head-turner on the treetops. Plum-headed parakeet
Look up at the skies and experience the magic of birds. Birds come in many shapes and colours, but few are as striking as the plum-headed parakeet photographed at Shimoga, Karnataka, India, in today's image. Native to the Indian subcontinent, these birds are known for their swift, acrobatic flight and distinctive calls that echo through the air. These calls help them stay connected while foraging or alerting the flock to nearby threats. Breeding starts around February, peaking by April to June. These birds are cavity nesters, often using hollowed-out tree trunks to lay their eggs. Both parents play a role in feeding and protecting the chicks. If you ever meet them, be mindful of your words because they are sneaky mimics and might just pick up a word or two.
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