Fiddlehead fern fronds, Quebec, Canada
© Marianna Armata/Getty Image
Fiddlehead fern fronds
Fiddlehead ferns are one of the first fresh vegetables ready for the yearly harvest. Eaten in Europe, Asia and North America for centuries, fiddleheads are not only tasty but also have health benefits: They’re a source of antioxidants and omega fatty acids, as well as iron and fibre. When cooked, fiddleheads are said to have a nutty, grassy flavour like a cross between spinach and asparagus.
Spring is the best time to find this delicacy in the wild, but don’t just rush out to the woods and start picking. You’ll need to research which varieties are safe to eat. Some have been found to cause cancer, particularly if they're not properly cooked. After you have a successful, safe and sustainable harvest, put them in a pan with a little butter or olive oil, sizzle them with lemon and garlic, and enjoy!
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