Grey seal hitching over a beach in Donna Nook, North Lincolnshire
© Frederic Desmette/Minden Picture
Happy Star Wars Day!
Sprinting over the sands, this grey seal reminds us of Luke Skywalker's zippy landspeeder vehicle from the first Star Wars film. But unlike Luke, it's not bound for Tosche Station to pick up some power converters, instead it’s off to the sea for a fishy snack.
It may look like we're on Luke's homeworld of Tatooine for Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!) but this is really a beach in Lincolnshire, far, far away from the Tunisian desert where the 1977 film was shot. As for our seal friend, it was mid-flop just an inch off the ground at the moment this photo was taken. The photo's focus and perspective fool your eye, making the seal seem to hover like Luke's souped-up speeder. Quite the Jedi mind trick!
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