Two female lions in the forest surrounding Lake Nakuru, Kenya
© Scott Davis/Tandem Stills + Motio
Taking pride in World Wildlife Day
This pair of lions are happily climbing trees in Lake Nakuru national park in Kenya. But lions are among the many forest animals whose existence is threatened by the encroachment of people into their habitat. Today is World Wildlife Day, the United Nations celebration of our wild animals and plants, and this year’s theme is about sustaining forests.
While events will be held virtually, UN representatives and wildlife groups will examine the state of our forests and woodlands and how to preserve the millions of livelihoods depending on them. This will include looking at how indigenous people have successfully managed forest ecosystems for centuries, and what that can teach the rest of us about sustainability.
While our homepage lions themselves are not yet considered endangered, they are listed as vulnerable, and many conservationists fear that only the existence of sanctuaries like this one, surrounding Lake Nakuru, are maintaining lion population numbers.