Brown bear in the Brooks River, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska
© littleting/Pradthana Jarusriboonchai/Getty Image
In the belly of Fat Bear Week
In Alaska's Katmai National Park and Preserve, the 'fattening' is under way. Brown bears like our homepage friend are bulking up for the long winter, gathering at Brooks Falls to feast on migrating salmon. The base of the falls is a prime fishing spot because it creates a temporary barrier to salmon jumping upstream. This makes the fish relatively easy pickings for hungry bears, who can catch up to 30 salmon a day.
This annual feast attracts hundreds of onlookers to the park and many more online, where viewers can see the spectacle via live feeds. During Fat Bear Week, which goes through Tuesday, Oct. 6, the public is invited to vote for the bears that appear to pack on the most pounds. Keep an eye out for last year's winner—a bear named Holly described as 'the shape and color of a toasted marshmallow.'
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