Artist Laura Buckley with her video installation Fata Morgana, Saatchi Gallery, London
© Stephen Chung/Alam
Art and soul
This kaleidoscopic creation is the work of Irish artist Laura Buckley, posing here (and there, and there, and there…) with her mixed-media sculpture Fata Morgana at London's Saatchi Gallery in 2019. This eye-catching piece is made from a hexagonal wooden-framed tube, lined on the inside with reflective acrylic and capped on one end with a projection screen. When a viewer steps inside, the mirrored surfaces reflect their image along with a video projected onto the screen, merging the two into a mind-bending mirage.
We're stepping inside Fata Morgana for World Art Day. The International Association of Art (IAA) kicked off the idea of World Art Day in 2012, picking the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, 15 April, for the festivities. The occasion has since been recognised by Unesco as a ‘means to achieve a more developed, free and peaceful world'.