A heart-shaped hole in the rocks of Calanques de Piana in Corsica, France
© joningall/Getty Image
Happy Valentine's Day. Corsica's heart of stone
If you really want to earn someone's affections, fly them to Corsica, rent a car and take a drive on the only road that cuts through the red volcanic rocks of Calanques de Piana. Some call the rock formation in today’s Valentine's Day photo the Two Lovers - others call it the Heart of Corsica. Erosion over the years has transformed the red porphyry rock here into the geological sculptures, craggy cliffs and heart-shaped hole we see today. And like many affairs of the heart, the path to this geological Valentine is full of twists and turns. It's a winding road, sometimes too narrow to share with traffic coming the opposite way. Our vantage point may be a good spot for you to pull over, especially if it’s sunset, to see the rocks aglow as the sun creeps west towards the horizon.
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