Colourful sunset over Castildetierra, in the Natural Park of Bardenas Reales, Navarre, Spain
© Inigofotografia/iStock/Getty Images Plu
Natural formations. Natural Park of Bardenas Reales
Today’s picture has been taken in the Bardenas Reales, located in Navarra, in the north of Spain. This place of lunar landscapes surfaced millions of years ago, when the inland sea that occupied this territory withdrew leaving behind tons of sediments which later eroded creating these amazing geological formations. The one we see in the photo is the “cabezo,” a symbol of this park. The highest part of the column is composed of hard sandstones and limestones, barely supported by soft clays and plasters that have been losing volume due to the scourge of the air and the rain. There will come a day when the base will not support the weight of the column head and these lonely hills will collapse due to their own geological nature.