Male African lion and cub in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in southern Africa
© Richard Du Toit/Minden Picture
Dads, show your pride today. Happy Father's Day
These lions in southern Africa’s Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park probably aren't heading out for Father's Day brunch. Cubs are usually protected by their mothers, while their fathers merely tolerate them in most cases. While stereotypes might suggest that the same holds true for humans, a Pew Research study showed that dads are just as likely as moms to say that parenting is extremely important to their identity, and dads are much more involved in child care than they were years ago. It took dads a while to earn this day. Father's Day was first celebrated in 1910 in Washington state. While it gained popularity over the years, it didn't become a national holiday until President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation in 1972. Mother's Day got a proclamation in 1914, but let's not get competitive here—today's about dad.
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