Fireworks over Parliament Hill with reflection, Ottawa
© naibak/Moment/Getty Image
Midnight in Canada. New Year's Eve in Ottawa
New Year's Eve, also known as Old Year's Day, is celebrated around the world with revelry, fireworks and, for some, religious and cultural observances. Many countries celebrate with foods symbolic of prosperity, long life and good fortune for the coming year. At the stroke of midnight, many people sing the Scottish folk song 'Auld Lang Syne' to remember old friends and past experiences. The new year is often personified as a baby, a tradition dating back to the ancient Greeks, and is frequently paired with an old man representing the previous year.
Have you ever seen Parliament Hill in Ottawa, sparkle brighter than your resolutions? Parliament Hill, a central symbol of Canada's government, transforms into a vibrant spot to ring in the new year. The fireworks display is the highlight of the evening, lighting up the Ottawa River, as seen in today's image. Beyond the dazzling pyrotechnics, there's often music and entertainment that reflects the city's character. The fireworks light up the sky at midnight, drawing both locals and visitors together to celebrate in a shared moment of awe.
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