Female pyrrhuloxia perched on cactus plant, Texas
© outtakes/Getty Image
Make every bird count. Great Backyard Bird Count
For the next four days, birdwatchers all over the world will be taking part in a special yearly event: the Great Backyard Bird Count. During the count, bird lovers are encouraged to identify the feathered friends they see or hear in their area and report their findings. The data helps scientists understand and protect birds by providing information about how populations and habitats change over time.
In today's image is a pyrrhuloxia—also known as the desert cardinal—a songbird that lives in the deserts of northern Mexico and the American Southwest. Great Backyard Bird Count participants in these areas might be lucky enough to see one of these red and grey birds; they often visit backyards in search of seeds or to eat the fruit from shrubs and cacti.
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