Sleeping wolf in Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany
© Raimund Linke/Getty Image
Wake me when it warms up. Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany
This Eurasian wolf, curled up for a winter nap in the Bavarian Forest National Park, can rest easy knowing it is an apex predator around these parts. This park covers 93 square miles of the wider forest, where it sits on Germany's border with Czechia. The softly rolling mountains Great Rachel, Little Rachel, and Little Arber pose modest challenges for hikers as they wander through stands of Norway spruce. The forest teems with life, including lynxes, bears, pygmy owls, and Eurasian wolves, like our sleepy homepage friend. These wolves form a close-knit pack led by an alpha pair and have been spotted in the park after decades of being hunted out of Western Europe.
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