Humpback whale, Disko Bay, Greenland
© Paul Souders/
Whale hello there. Humpback whale, Disko Bay, Greenland
Who's that in the spotlight? A humpback whale! These gentle giants are a success story of the Endangered Species Conservation Act. They are found in oceans globally and are renowned for their colossal size and distinctive features. Characterised by their long pectoral fins, which can reach up to one-third of their body length, humpbacks are adept swimmers and acrobats. The hump on their back, visible when they arch before a dive, contributes to their names. Known for their songs, these vocalizations are linked to mating and communication. These 'gulp feeders' were once on the edge of extinction due to whaling and entanglement in fishing gear, but thanks to conservation efforts, their population is making a comeback, from around 5,000 in 1966 to an estimated 135,000 today.
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