Aerial view of kindergarteners drawing on a canvas in Nantong, in the Jiangsu province of China
© Xu Hui/VCG via Getty Image
Thank you teachers!. A day to celebrate teachers
To celebrate World Teachers' Day, we're in the Jiangsu province of China, taking in this bird's-eye view of children drawing together under the tutelage of some hard-working teachers. The UN created this day back in 1994 to draw attention to the vital role that teachers play in providing kids like these with a quality education. It also highlights the obstacles that teachers face every day, particularly in challenging times like these.
Despite the massive disruptions to classrooms around the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, teachers everywhere have continued to work hard every day to encourage young people to learn and grow, and to think about the world around us. So, when these Chinese children are finished drawing, we hope they let their teachers know how appreciated they are! And we hope you can do something special for the teachers in your lives today, too.
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