Humpback whales, Massachusetts, USA
© Eric Kulin/plainpictur
Info. Humpback whales off the coast of Massachusetts, USA
It’s whale-watching season here on the coast of Massachusetts in Northeastern United States, and these humpback whales and their seagull friends are enjoying a snack. It looks like this pod of humpbacks is engaged in ‘bubble-net feeding’, a phenomenon that involves the whales diving below a group of fish and then blowing bubbles as they twirl back up. These bubbles create a ‘net’ around the fish, allowing the whales to gobble them up as they rise to the surface. The best time for whale watching in Massachusetts is from April to October. Whales migrate here to feed on mackerel, herring, krill and other fish. But as soon as the waters turn cold, the whales leave, travelling to warmer waters to mate and to give birth.
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