Mother owl dotes on her newborn son at their farmyard abode
© Cavan Images/Media Drum World/Laura Dye
Happy Mothering Sunday. A little owl love on Mothering Sunday
This little owl is shown feeding her baby son as we celebrate Mothering Sunday here in the UK. The UK’s smallest owl, they reach full height at around 20cm – so are quickly caught up by their offspring. With striking yellow eyes and a mottled brown and cream colouring, it is not unusual to spot little owls sitting on fence posts like this one during the daytime, scouring the ground for food – from crickets and beetles to small mammals. They nest in holes – usually in trees but, thanks to their small stature, can set up homes in abandoned rabbit burrows and cavities in buildings and rocks.
The little owl was introduced to the UK in the late 1800s and is now largely found in the farming landscapes of southern and south east England. They raise their young between May and July and are quite chatty, so listen out for their distinctive calls - the males can be particularly noisy when establishing their territory in late winter and early spring.