Great Horned Owl sitting on an Aspen tree, Alberta
© Ambre Haller/Getty Image
Slick, silent hunter. Active at night, camouflaged in the day
Great Horned Owls are slick and silent hunters most commonly found in the Americas. Since they are adaptable birds, their habitat ranges from tropical rainforests to the Arctic tundra. They can survive in woods as well as suburbia. Given their efficiency in hunting, Great Horned Owls target relatively large creatures such as rabbits, raccoons, squirrels and skunks. If you are looking to identify one, keep an eye out for its bright yellow eyes, long fluffy feathers and a curved beak. Keep a safe distance as they are fiercely protective of their young and are capable of attacking those who come close. For now, we’ll just admire this nocturnal bird from afar.